Musical modes constitute a form of scale complete with their own distinctive melodic traits. The seven modes have their roots in some of western music’s oldest forms.
Category: How To
Playing Piano: Shifting vs. Crossing
In this video, Josh Wright of explains both shifting and crossing, and the best way to use each when playing piano.
How to Write Interesting Chord Progressions: Pedal Notes
Another great way to create more interesting chord progressions is to use a pedal note or pedal point. A pedal note is a static bass note that sticks around for a few measures while the chords change over the top.
10 Life Hacks to Make Your Band Popular
If we take a look at the entertainment industry of today, it seems as if artists have easier time creating music than promoting it.
How to Harness Technology and Promote Your Band
Long gone are the days when paper fliers and word-of-mouth served as a band or solo musician’s primary marketing tools. But with the over-saturation of social media platforms, how can you make technology work for you on a promotional level, without relying on a record label?
5 Time Management Tactics Every Musician Must Know
That’s why we need to manage our time well and schedule in those activities that are important to us. Luckily, Ariel Hyatt and her team at Cyber PR have created a list of “5 Time Management Tactics Every Musician Must Know.”
How To Write Interesting Chord Progressions: Inversions
One of the simplest and most effective ways to enrich your chord progressions is through the use of inversions. Depending which note you put in the bass, you end up with chords in first inversion or second inversion:
Teaching Piano Effectively for Parents, Teachers, and Students
In her article, “If Only Teaching Piano was as Easy as Sliced Apples,” Leila Viss discusses her thoughts on how to make practice easier on not only the students, but the parents and the teacher as well.
9 Steps to Getting a Job in the Music Business
The time has come. You have nearly finished your college career and are ready to look for a job in the music industry, but where do you start?
How to use Online Sources to Teach Classical Composers and Forms
Leila Viss of 88 Piano Keys suggests using YouTube, Quizlet, and Kahoot to help students learn about classical composers and forms in a fun and entertaining way.