Guitars generally come with some type of simple gig bag. But unless your guitar never leaves home, you will probably eventually find it inadequate for your needs. The first step in purchasing a new one is to determine what kind of case you need.
Category: Instruments
Community Video: Preme Writez – My Everything
While sports taught him discipline and determination, Preme Writez love for music made his soul at peace. Turning down scholarships to many top Ivy League schools to dedicate his life to his passion – total immersion within music
Musicians Battle Breast Cancer With Music
For singer and songwriter Eva Moon, using her music to tell breast cancer to “take a hike” may have been just what the doctor ordered.
Michael Feinstein: Why America Needs Music
You might say that Michael Feinstein has always had a unique approach to music. As a child, he was unable to learn from traditional piano lessons, perhaps because he’d already begun learning by his own means. Growing up in the 1960s and early 1970s, he wasn’t attracted to the popular music of that era, but was instead drawn to the Great American Songbook almost from the beginning.
CME Xkey USB Controller Keyboard
The CME Xkey USB Controller Keyboard is a perfect solution for music enthusiasts of all levels who are on the go. The tiny, slim keyboard lets you create music anywhere, any time—at home, on the road, in the park, or at your local coffee shop
Get Back To Playing: End Your Back Pain
The second most common reason why people visit their doctor is back pain. In fact, about 65 million Americans suffer from back pain. Whether you play drums, guitar, violin, or trombone, you are at risk of developing back pain. As a musician, it can have a severe detrimental effect on your ability to enjoy playing.
Bob Marley’s – One Love Ukulele Tutorial
Joel Daruvalla breaks down Bob Marley’s One Love on his YouTube channel easyuketuts. He slowly takes you through the song as he goes step by step showing each chord. Complete beginners can walk away from this video knowing how to play Bob Marley, but don’t just take our word for it. Check out the video below and see for yourself.
Starfish Stand
Todd Hobin’s latest review discusses the Starfish Guitar Stand. This stand is perfect for anyone who is nervous about leaving their guitar resting on a normal stand. The Starfish comes with five legs to provide extra stability, and in doing so, peace of mind. It even has a locking mechanism to really make sure that your guitar is safe and secure. Don’t just take our word for it, watch the video below to see a hands on demonstration.
Community Video: Mike Stocksdale – Love Song
Los Angeles native Mike Stocksdale embodies all aspects of true musicianship, with a technical education in guitar from the Musician’s Institute in Hollywood, CA
Community Video: SAXITY – Push the Feeling/Technologic/Rattles
Saxity is a dance music act offering innovative music entertainment for the international electronic music and club scene since summer 2012