Peter Lavinger holds the Guinness World Record for The World’s Largest Collection of Autographed Drumsticks
Category: Instruments
Essentials for Every Musicians’ Gig Bag
Todd Hobin breaks down his personal gig bag and shows what the essentials for every musicians’ gig bag should be. A majority of the gear is everyday stuff like: pens, paper, cough drops and various other little things
Video Gaming Icon Unleashes His Inner Guitar God
For the past decade, Marcus Henderson has been locked up in a Silicon Valley bunker recreating the greatest guitar music of all time. You’ve undoubtedly heard his work for the Guitar Hero, Rock Band, and Karaoke Revolution Party video games.
Singer Timing Tip
You have two choices: sing at the tempo the rest of your band is currently playing, or force the band to change their tempo. The video below will give you a singer timing tip that is a very simple solution to fix the band’s tempo.
EXL Export Lacquer
EXL Export Lacquer Series incorporates Pearl’s Superior Shell Technology that puts sound first by blending premium poplar and rich mahogany for a lush tone.
Shoelace Cables Tip
Chuck adds to that with a simple shoelace cables tip about using your shoelace to tie the cables. So simple you didn’t even think about it.
Rhythm Guitar Exercise Tip & Lesson
This rhythm guitar exercise is a must for anyone looking to get a stronger rhythm in their skill set. Chuck shows how easy and simple it is to strengthen your rhythm playing
Vocal Warm-Ups
Vocal Warm-Ups contains 25 warm-ups to prepare your voice and body for everyday habits and routines, from broad, large-muscle relaxation techniques and breathing work, to techniques for strengthening your vocal skills.
Waiting for The One (Rhythm Tip)
This tip isn’t for just playing in the proper rhythm, but keeping it while someone goes off on a solo. It’s called waiting for the one.