While key signatures will let us know which notes are supposed to be sharp or flat in a song, composers will also frequently add in notes with accidentals.
Category: Clip & Save
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Clip N’ Save: Words Into Music
You could argue that music is a language all its own. Fortunately, we have put together a little glossary to help with some of the most common terms.
Clip N’ Save: A Beginner’s Guide to Transposition
Check out this quick guide on transposition to learn about the relationships between instruments in different keys and how the relate to one another.
Clip N’ Save: Time for a Rest – Rests and Pauses
Rests and pauses in music allow the composer to add some musical texture and also give musicians a chance to take a breather.
Clip N’ Save: The Rudiments of Wisdom
Here is a list of six essential drum rudiments we suggest adding to the beginning of your practice session. They make for a great warm-up.
Clip N’ Save: Rhythmic Notation
Percussion music often has a variety of symbols, or rhythmic notation, on it. These symbols signify which percussion instrument is to be played and when.
Clip N’ Save: Rerouted – Following Musical Detours
We have put together a few tips on how to follow some of the most common musical detours such as D.S. al fine and D.C. al coda.
Clip N’ Save: Ready to Progress
Are you ready to progress with your piano playing? Here is a little exercise to get you playing with both your right and left hand.
Clip N’ Save: Play It Again – Using Repeats and Repetition
As a musician, you have likely seen a repeat sign now and again. Repeat signs are used in a variety of ways, and there are different types of indicators depending on the situation.
Clip N’ Save: Moving On Up – Types of Scales
Scales often serve as a basis for melodic structure in a song, and are important to learn as a beginning musician.