The Influence of Music in the Classroom

Music is all around us. Almost everywhere we go there is some sort of music in the background. We can hear music in the elevator, supermarket, coffee shops, and even restrooms. The influence of music is well known as it’s able to trigger emotional responses as well as physical reactions (just think about your feet spontaneously tapping when you listen to a song you like).

The influence of music within the classroom is a matter of debate with strong arguments to show that music could have a positive effect on learning abilities. Let’s take a look at some good examples.

Background music and ability to focus

In a study conducted at the University of St. Catherine in St. Paul, Minnesota, researcher Duna Strachan tried to get conclusive evidence on the impact of background music on students’ ability to focus on their work. The school where the experiment was conducted already had music playing in the classrooms from time to time so the routine was not changed for the children. The researcher took notes during the observation and later administered a survey that both teachers and the children filled in.

Once the results were final, the study showed that students were more productive and less distracted while the background music was playing. The music itself had to be special so Duna Strachan decided to play soft music at 60 beats per minute, similar to a human heartbeat. The reason why relaxing, soft-beat music was playing is that earlier research showed that music could be distractive if it was too energetic or popular with the audience.

In my time of writing for Essay Geeks service, relaxing music and sounds of nature were a powerful focusing assistance, especially when the deadlines where short.

Literacy and music

Research conducted to investigate the impact of music on literary skills discovered a strong bond between early reading skills and phonological awareness. The study showed that musical training enhances literary abilities such as reading and adopting new phrases. Additional experiments showed that kids that play piano show better vocabulary development and verbal sequencing. The research was administered by Joseph Piro and Camilo Ortiz and it included two groups of children. One group had three years of prior piano training while the second group had no prior access to any music lessons. The results showed that children with piano lessons had a higher vocabulary and verbal sequencing scores than the control group.

The rhythm of math

When it comes to math, music shows mixed results. The main argument behind the inconsistent research results is that various mathematical tasks trigger different processes than those involved with music. In other words, if you’re playing a rhythmic instrument the chances of scoring higher grades on math problems are better than if you were playing the piano.

Additionally, a recent science article claims that the bonds between music and mathematics, although unclear, is strong due to a number of factors. As it’s said, in order to play an instrument a person should have an understanding of concepts such as fractions and ratios. However, the same article states that there are numerous other factors that could have an influence on overall math achievements like socioeconomic factors, the involvement of parents, or motivation in class.


There are numerous positive effects of music on the human body and soul. As singing can improve breathing, posture, reduce stress, and improve mood, motor coordination can improve thanks to learning to play new instruments. In conclusion, music enhances our ability to focus and improve our intellectual performance, as long as the music is relaxing and soothing.

Jennifer Sanders is a writer and an editor from London. She loves sports, listening to music, and communicating with different people. Find Jennifer on Twitter and Facebook.

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