The Crooked Road: A Journey Steeped in Music Traditions

crooked road

The Crooked Road, winding through Southwest Virginia, is an experience in music traditions passed down for generations. There are nine major venues plus numerous affiliated venues, jam sessions, and festivals throughout the region. Along the road, you can pull your car over at 26 Wayside Exhibits (yellow arrows on the map) and tune in to a five-minute audio presentation about the music and musicians in each area.

Based on my own experience on the Crooked Road, I have two important pieces of advice. First, bring your instrument! I can’t emphasize this enough. Even if you’ve never played this type of music, you’ll find yourself itching to join in the jam sessions (30+) offered in the evening at various locations. Also, leave yourself plenty of time for, not only seeing the many musical sites, but also experiencing the beauty and history of the region. There are numerous museums and hiking and biking trails to explore.

crooked road

Go to page two for some highlights of The Crooked Road:

Cherie Yurco is a former editor at Making Music and has worked as a freelance editor and writer for over 20 years.

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